Acupuncture & Cold Laser Therapy
Acupuncture is a form of natural medicine offered at Dr. T Vet Care. Other Natural Medicine options include: Chinese Herbal Medicine, that can be used alone, or in combination with acupuncture, nutrition and pharmaceutical medicine.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of medicine that involves the placement of needles into points on the body that results in the activation of the body’s normal healing mechanisms. It can be used effectively for any physical and many behavioral abnormalities, though it is most often used to control pain and inflammation. In addition to acupuncture needles, the use of laser therapy, injections aqua puncture and the application of mild electrical current or heat can be used to enhance the treatments. |
Uses of Acupuncture
While any medical condition can be helped with acupuncture, there are those
for which it is particularly beneficial. These include:
for which it is particularly beneficial. These include:
- Arthritis
- Disc Disease
- Paralysis/Paresis
- Chronic kidney/liver disease
- Diabetes
- Cushing’s Disease
- Cruciate Ligament injury
- Surgical Rehabilitation
- Chronic Heart Disease
- Lameness/Orthopedic Injury
- Soft Tissue Injury
- Tumors/Cancer
- Other chronic conditions
Benefits of Acupuncture
- Non-pharmaceutical
- No “side effects”
- Stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms
- No contraindications
- Reduces pain
- Promotes “normal” function
- Reduces healing time
Cold Laser TherapyIntroducing an innovative approach to alleviate discomfort. This revolutionary treatment method ensures a painless, non-invasive protocol that is devoid of side effects and aids in the healing process and pain relief for your beloved pet. Cold laser facilitates the creation of optimal conditions for healing while boosting circulation, ultimately restoring your pet's comfort. Cold Laser therapy is a safe and affordable treatment that can be used in addition to medication or as an alternative to traditional pain management. For any inquiries regarding our state-of-the-art cold laser, please don't hesitate to consult with one of our dedicated team members today.
Uses for Cold Laser Therapy |
Call us today 908-854-5000 to schedule an acupuncture or laser therapy appointment with Dr. Susan Turk